Discover Slovakia

Discover all you can do in Slovakia

Slovakia—a land in which you can live life to its fullest! Climb its towering peaks—or ski them for the thrill of your life. Delve into its remarkable labyrinth of caves. Bicycle your way through its picturesque valleys and ancient towns.

Immerse yourself in the splendor of Slovakia's mountains, forests and rich game lands. Discover its architecture and antiquities, art treasures and abundant castles. Learn crafts as old as the Slovak hills themselves and experience Slovak delicacies unknown to most.

Find your roots—or relatives of ancestors who left for new lives elsewhere. Sing and dance! Eat, drink and enjoy.

These and hundreds of life-enriching experiences await you in this land called Slovakia. Through SEEP, a unique Slovak-American partnership created especially to help preserve Slovakia's cultural riches and environmental resources, you can travel to this beautiful country in the heart of Europe for a special lifetime experience that meets your personal interests and fulfills your special dreams!

You won’t believe all that Slovakia has to offer through SEEP. Contact us today to receive our brochure and other information about the special activities and adventures we can design for you.

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